As many of you have recently heard, The Late Great Steve Gasstation has passed over to the other side on the last day of June. Steve has gone where all the good dogs go, to that great big boneyard in the sky. He was hands down the most loved and bad ass beast to grace this planet with his presence and he will be greatly missed.
I had a remake of our Beastmaster General shirt printed a few weeks ago to help pay for his Vet bills as they have been stacking up but things have been really crazy and I haven't had the time to get around to it. All proceeds of the shirt go towards paying them off.
The Shredweiser Logo on the front is now replaced with STEVEWESIER to honor our fallen brother. Printed on a high quality "Next Level Apparel" tee here in Portland. Drawn up by our good buddy by Austin Barrett
I want to Thank everyone who reached out to us with your love for Steve and ourselves during these heart breaking times. Steve has touched more people on the planet than most people do and if you had the pleasure to have kicked it with the Gasman then you know exactly what I am talking about.
Not a day will go by where I wont look back and smile at all the kick ass times we have had up and down the road and the endless book of stories that he has gotten himself into. Your story will live on forever in our hearts
We love you Steve, always and forever
Until we meet again <3